Friday, November 9, 2012

Show & Tell: Hobbies

I am intersted in writing about either poetry or social networking. Specifically, I'd like to focus on one of the following topics:

  • Geraldine Dodge Poetry Festival
  • Chap Book/Self-Publishing: trend/pros and cons of self-publishing
Social Networking
  • Virtual Games—bringing us closer together or farther apart?
  • Smart Phone Photography—death of “experts”
Regarding virtual games:

According the article Social media games have become big business published on February 25, 2012 on, social media game publisher Zyga Inc.'s daily users grew to 54 million in the fourth quarter of 2011--this is a 13% increase from the fourth quarter in 2010. And many of these gamers spend real currancy to purchase virtual money that they use to buy game items or to advance in their games. I know this to be true, because my mom used to purchase items for her "pet turtle" when she had an account with SuperPoke Pets. True confession: I used to have a pet pig named Binky on SuperPoke who I loved dearly, but not enough to spend real coinage on her (I'm not a freak, you know).

I used to occassionaly capture snapshots of Binky in her decorated habitats--here is one from 2011 when hurricane Irene was on everyone's minds.


  1. I like the poetry/publishing idea a lot! There are so many great writing conventions that take place every year. Last year I went to Conversations & Connections ( in DC and went to a lot of panels about poetry, craft of writing, and self publishing.

    Also, AWP is a wealth of information. They hold a conference every year too, although I've never attended (

    And the Poetry Foundation ( is a great resource!

  2. The social networking games really interests me because I am not obsessed with it but so many people are. Is it just another addiction, like gambling, or is it the wave of the future, like your mom on Facebook?
