Friday, December 7, 2012

Show & Tell: More Inspiration

In addition to the arts, I am inspired by people. There are several ways that people inspire me: through their actions, through their talents, and through the way they live their lives. Here is a list of people who inspire me:

  • Ryna May: My partner. She is the most intelligent person I know; she inspires me to be the best possible version of myself.
  • Sandra White: My mother. She sacrificed her life to take care of my youngest sister who was born with severe cerebral palsy, in addition to taking care of my me and my other three sisters and my dad, who had diabetes.
  • Tara Hart: My friend and the subject of my article. Tara is my zen inspiration. She is very spiritual and reminds me to keep light in my life. She is also hands down the best card writer I've ever met.
  • Samantha Walton: My younger sister. She is my best friend and the best mom I've ever met. She is a genuine soul who always puts other people before herself. I've never met anyone as selfless as she.


  1. This was so nice! So amazing to have so many inspirational people in your life!! You're a very lucky lady :)

  2. At risk of being at the wrong social media outlet..."Like". :)

  3. Having met Ryna, I have to agree ;)

  4. Wow. This is great. Sounds like you have amazing people in your life :) also, I love the new background you made!
